Mrigaya Dham

Feature Writing

Features humanize, educate, entertain and illuminate the news elements in a colourful way. Features are more in-depth than traditional news stories and go beyond providing the most important facts. A feature can increase a client or company's visibility and even


Internal Communication

Internal Communication transforms companies into communities through employee strategies, integrated systems and culture programs. Keep your employees connected and informed to create a shared understanding of company goals, values, and guidelines.


Opinion Pieces

If you have something important to say on your blog on any  hot or controversial topic, one of the best ways to gain credible visibility and recognition for your ideas is to develop a strongly focused opinion piece, known in


Thought Leadership Pieces

Thought leadership, when done right can be an excellent way to reinforce your brand and enhance your content marketing strategy, allowing you to leverage your expertise and build trust with your audience.  


Media Comments And Pitches

A media pitch is an attempt to get a journalist, editor or media outlet interested in your story or news so that they decide to cover it. It is sent to a journalist or an editor of a newspaper, magazine,


Media Interviews

A media interview is your chance to sell yourself to the public. Whether you appear in a newspaper article, on a radio show, or a television program, you want to present yourself as an interesting, talented and professional writer. And


Press Releases

You need to put on your best copywriting hat for writing a press release. It has to be short and to the point, ideally no longer than 500 words.



Speech Writing is a way of sharing your thoughts with an audience through words. An effective speech should be structured with three major parts- introduction, body, and conclusion. Having a simple structure to the main part of your speech is
