Mrigaya Dham

C -Suite Writing

Crafting integrated 360 communications plans for businesses and personal brand building for C-Suite executives that enable holistic thought leadership profiling.


Communications Strategy Development & Execution

Devising communications strategy for organisations to interact with investors, leadership, employees, customers, media and competitors.  


Research and content writing

Researching to add validity to content. Competitor's research along with industry statistics, facts and opinions helps craft accurate content.      


Website content writing

Writing reader-friendly content to attract the right audience to website, engage them and work towards getting the user to take actions on website.


Corporate Film Scripts

While great visuals and audio are effective in grabbing audiences' attention, it is the scriptwriting and overall narrative that is key to delivering business.


Press release writing

Writing short and concise press releases with a factual tone, giving the journalist the essence of the story.


Thought Leadership Pieces

Thought leadership, when done right can be an excellent way to reinforce your brand and enhance your content marketing strategy, allowing you to leverage your expertise and build trust with your audience.  


Social media copywriting

Ensuring social media copy focuses on brand consistency, hits the right tone, and encourages the audience to take specific actions.


SEO Writing

With algorithms becoming smarter by the second, the selection, insertion and arrangement of SEO keywords need due attention. Achieving SEO friendly content is not a one-time affair. It requires continuous upkeep and fresh content addition to get relevant value in


Ghostwriting books,podcasts, speeches, blogs and opinion pieces

Ghostwriting from concept to completion for books, autobiographies, speeches, podcasts, blogs, opinion pieces, LinkedIn articles, media interviews and much more.
