Mrigaya Dham

Tone Of Voice

Get heard far & wide, by your target audience with the right tone of voice that brings across the point in a crisp, comprehensible way. Develop your tone of voice to speak the right words and strengthen your brand’s identity.


Paragraph Structuring

Paragraphs play a crucial role in writing because they provide a framework for organising your ideas in a logical order. Developing a structure or framework for your writing will ensure that the most important points are covered appropriately.


Misspelt Words

It is essential to use the correct spelling of words in order to convey the exact meaning in a communication piece. It limits the chances of your message being misunderstood or misinterpreted, and also reflects your credibility, intelligence and reliability.


Grammar and Punctuation

Grammar and punctuation are necessary elements of any piece of writing. Communication and clarity go beyond word choice. Words and stories have to be arranged to convey what you want to say, what you want the reader to take in.



Inconsistency in writing has a major impact on readers. Gaps and inconsistencies can make a text unclear and confusing for your audience.



Putting it into your own words can clarify the message, make it more relevant to your audience, or give it a greater impact. Paraphrased material can be used effectively to support your viewpoint.  
